Children and adults have the same needs, only children can’t fulfill their own needs, so they need their parents for this. The needs more down to the pyramid are the most basic and important to fulfill. The parents need to fulfill the first need before you can go one up. Then you need to repeat this for every need if you want to go to the top. So you need to start with:
- Physiological needs: these are the things you need to survive, like water, food, air, clothes, …
- Safety needs: security, safety. This can be both physical safety and economic safety. For example: a natural disaster could bring this need in danger
- Belongingness and love needs: intimate relationships and friends. Every person has a need for social acceptance and to belong to a group: friends, family, community
- Esteem needs: prestige and feeling accomplishment. Every person wants appreciation and respect from the people around them.
- Self-actualization needs: achieving’s one full potential, including creative activities. This is the most complex one, not everyone fulfills this need. Everyone wants to be his/her best self.
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