You will start with a little exercise. You are all standing in a circle. The first person has a ball of wool and tells something about upbringing what is important for him/her. When the first person is done they hold on to the beginning of the ball and throws the ball away to the next person, maybe you, as the narrator, can start to set the example. They can choose who they throw it to as long as it is not the person next to them. The second person repeats this. At the end you have a big spider web. The narrator can write all the things down that have been said. So it is easier to make a conclusion. (If you are giving the workshop with two, one person can join in the circle and the other can write all the things down on a whiteboard.) In the end it should look like the picture. 


This spider web shows that there are a lot of important things in parenting, but they are all connected.