The next thing you are going to discuss is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.


First you explain to them about how every child has their own needs. These needs are divided in 5 and have a hierarchy, the lowest is the most important to fulfill first.


Now you can show them the empty pyramid. (You can download this in the bottom of this page.)


Tell them the 5 needs in a random order with a small explanation:

  • Safety needs: security, safety
  • Self-actualization needs: achieving’s one full potential, including creative activities
  • Physiological needs: these are the things you need to survive, like water, food, air, clothes, …
  • Esteem needs: prestige and feeling accomplishment
  • Belongingness and love needs: intimate relationships and friends



Ask them to fill the 5 needs into the pyramid with the lowest one to be the most important to fulfill first. Let them do it as a group and don't intervene. Compare their pyramid with the right one and discuss it. (You can download the correct pyramid in the bottom.)


Empty Pyramid Maslow
Word – 62,9 KB 529 downloads
Correct Pyramid Maslow
Word – 180,8 KB 392 downloads

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